Convention General Chair




  • to make all necessary arrangements for the annual meeting sponsored by ASCLS-Idaho within the state of Idaho


  • 1 years


  • ASCLS: Professional, ascending professional and Emeritus membership
  • Recommended experience: N/A


  • The Convention chair shall appoint people as necessary to chair the various subcommittees to coordinate the activities of those subcommittees.
  • The Program Committee will contact potential speakers, establish topics for presentation, obtain speakers credentials and general outline of presentation, and pass all information to Convention chair, the Publicity Committee chair, the PACE provider, and the Registration Committee chair. The Program chair will oversee the appropriateness of room assignments and audio-visual equipment availability for speakers.
  • The Exhibit Committee shall contact potential exhibitors with information about the meeting, booth space cost, registration form. When registrations are received, monies are deposited with the Convention Finance Chair Exhibit area layout is designed. The Exhibit chair will be responsible for on-site registration of exhibitors and will ensure that table space and electrical requirements are met. Exhibitor information must be sent to the Convention chair and the Publicity Committee.
  • The Sponsorship Committee shall contact potential contributors for door prizes or monies to offset meeting costs. All information must be forwarded to the Convention chair and the Publicity Committee.
  • The Publicity Committee will mail a preliminary flier and preregistration packet to all ASCLS-Idaho members, all facilities employing clinical laboratory professionals in Idaho, and any others deemed necessary. The flier must include dates, location, a preliminary program, and a slogan (if possible). The final program booklet will also be prepared by this committee.
  • The Registration Committee will prepare registration forms and submit to Publicity Committee. Upon receiving completed registration forms, the Registration chair will tally workshop registration numbers for use in room assignments for workshops and meetings. The Registration Committee shall man the registration table at the convention and report attendance numbers to the Convention chair for use in finalizing food events. All monies are forwarded to the Finance chair.
  • The Social Committee is responsible for purchasing gifts for the speakers, assisting the Convention chair in making menu selections for food events, purchasing flowers for the registration desk, planning any decorations and/or entertainment for the awards banquet, and planning any special events.
  • The Finance Committee is responsible for maintaining the convention checkbook in good order, receiving all monies from Exhibitor and attendee registration, paying all expenses related to the convention, and preparing a final financial statement at the conclusion of the convention


  • Meeting Attendance: Unless the chair deems it necessary to call a meeting, the work of these committees shall be by mail, telephone or electronic means.
  • Reports: determined by the Convention Chair
  • Deadlines: determined by the Convention Chair
  • Average time commitment: 4 to 5 hours per month
  • Travel: determined by the Convention Chair
  • Financial considerations: determined by the Convention Chair/Finance Committee


  • Mentors: ASCLS officers and committee chairs
  • Materials: By-laws and SOP for ASCLS-ID
  • Helpful Hints and Suggestions: Become involved


  • Contributions to the profession: Increase involvement in society
  • Skills developed and enhanced: Communication and leadership
  • Contacts/Networking opportunities: Conventions and Board meetings

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