Meet the Administrative Secretary

Debbie Shell

Hello, everyone!  I am the ASCLS-Idaho Administrative Secretary, a position I’ve held for several years. I have a large basement (one of the qualifications for the job), and have had the privilege of storing several boxes of ISMT/IDSCLS/ASCLS-Idaho archives and mementoes. Being a pack rat is also one of the qualifications for the job……..

As Administrative Secretary, I file our annual incorporation renewal – did you know that ASCLS-Idaho is incorporated in the state of Idaho, and has been since 1949?  And, I file our income tax returns. Even though we are a non-profit organization, we still have to file income tax returns. Fortunately, it is probably the easiest tax return ever – online and only about 6 clicks of the mouse!

I am currently a lab instructor in the Medical Laboratory Science Program at Idaho State University, and enjoy helping the students learn about our great profession!

I enjoy reading, traveling, gardening, spending time with kids and grandkids, and participating in ASCLS activities at the state, regional, and national levels, especially those related to government affairs.

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