A. The method of appointing the members of standing committees shall be as follows:
1. The incoming President shall appoint the chair of these committees at the beginning of his/her term of office, and no later than August 15th.
B. Only professional, ascending professional, and emeritus members are eligible to chair committees of this Society.
1. Unless the chair deems it necessary to call a meeting, the work of these committees shall be by mail, telephone or electronic means.
2. No member may serve more than two successive terms as chair of the same committee, unless the appointment is approved by the Board of Directors.
C. Administrative Committees
1. Bylaws Committee shall:
a. examine and modify all proposed amendments and revisions to the Bylaws which may be proposed by a professional member. As necessary, the Bylaws Committee will put the proposals in proper form without altering their intent and submit them to the Board of Directors for approval. Changes will be presented to the ASCLS-Idaho Board of Directors at the next regular meeting.
1. Following presentation and discussion, a majority vote of the Board of Directors is needed to approve the amendments or revisions.
2. The Bylaws Chair will send the approved amendments or revisions to the ASCLS Bylaws Committee for approval.
3. Following ASCLS approval, the change will be distributed to each professional and emeritus member at least 30 days in advance of the meeting at which the amendments are being presented for adoption.
4. Copies of complete Bylaws revisions must be submitted to professional and emeritus members at least thirty (30) days in advance of the meeting at which the revisions are to be presented for adoption.
b. Examine and modify all proposed amendments and revisions to the SOP which may be proposed by any professional members.
1. The SOP may be amended by a majority vote of the Board of Directors in session at any regular meeting of the Board. Copies of the amendment(s) shall be distributed to all Board members thirty (30) days prior to the Board meeting by either the Secretary or Bylaws Chair.
2. The adoption of a complete revision of the SOP shall require a majority vote of professional and emeritus members in session at the annual meeting or any special meeting of ASCLS-Idaho. Copies of the revised SOP shall be distributed by the Bylaws Committee to the voting members at least thirty (30) days in advance of the meeting at which the revisions are to be presented. This is in accordance with provisions described in Article XIV of the Bylaws.
c. When changes are necessary in order that the ASCLS-Idaho Bylaws and SOP are not in conflict with those of ASCLS, ASCLS-Idaho does not have to adhere to Article XIV, Section 5a and 5c of the Bylaws.
1. The Bylaws Committee has the authority to form needed changes to amend the Bylaws or SOP and propose them to the Board of Directors at the next regular meeting.
2. The Board of Directors shall vote upon the proposed amendments. A majority vote is needed.
3. The approved changes of the Bylaws will then be sent to the ASCLS Bylaws Committee.
4. The approved SOP changes will be incorporated following the majority vote.
5. Following approval by ASCLS, proposed Bylaws changes will be incorporated.
6. Bylaws and SOP changes or revisions will be published in the next ASCLS-Idaho newsletter or made available to the membership. This decision shall be made by the Board of Directors by majority vote.
d. The Bylaws Committee Chair shall prepare committee reports and the final report throughout the term of the appointment.
e. The Bylaws Committee Chair shall keep updated copies of the ASCLS-Idaho Bylaws and SOP, as well as ensuring that the Administrative Secretary has copies on file.
f. The Bylaws Committee Chair is responsible for the initial publishing to make available to the membership complete, revised copies of the ASCLS-Idaho Bylaws and SOP. Following the initial publication, the Membership Development Chair will be responsible for notifying incoming members where to find the documents.
2. The Finance Committee
a. The Treasurer of the Society shall act as the chair of the finance committee.
b. The committee shall:
1. Consist of no more than three (3) persons.
2. Be appointed by the Board of Directors.
3. Prepare a budget for the ensuing year to be presented to the membership at each annual business meeting.
4. Investigate and propose ways and means of providing additional funds for promoting the objectives of this Society.
5. At least sixty (60) days prior to the annual meeting, the committee shall examine the financial reports, books, and ledgers of the Society and certify as to their correctness.