Message from the President:
This past year at the national convention in San Diego there seemed to be two recurring topics of interest that impact ASCLS directly - one being the effects of competitive bidding on our healthcare system, and the second, lack of involvement and retention from the membership as a whole. The first item may seem a huge undertaking as an individual, but the second is something every person can take responsibility for as a member of a professional society that promotes the voice, value and vision of our workforce.
As a member of ASCLS I have slowly realized over the last 5 years the importance our society has on healthcare, from the major legislative efforts to which so many people have devoted their time and life to the smallest educational offerings they provide as a service to its members. Sadly, not everyone is aware of all the offerings ASCLS has to offer, or some people may feel they don't have the time or money to contribute to our cause (one Starbucks visit a month will pay for your dues).
continued on page 8
Fascinating Reading!