President's Message
Fall is here and it seems like summer has simply flown by. Time to turn our attention from barbecues and vacations to ASCLS meetings and projects. As your state President for 2009-2010, I am eager to begin. This year’s Board of Directors is a dynamic group and I am certain they will do an incredible job leading ASCLS-Idaho. My goals for the year are to continue to develop the state website ( and to increase our membership. In addition I look forward to active committee work and a successful spring convention. These goals and activities will require some effort; however, I believe by working together we can accomplish them and more.
Being involved with ASCLS is a very rewarding experience. There are many venues that allow one to use their time and talents to grow personally and professionally. From convention planning to judging the Idaho State University CLS student website presentations; there’s a place for everyone to share their strengths. If that doesn’t intrigue you, then consider becoming part of our mentoring program, volunteer for our membership committee, serve on the nominations and elections committee or monitor legislative measures that affect our profession. I encourage all of you to read the ASCLS Focus newsletter, to respond to emails from the society, to attend Board Meetings and to volunteer at every opportunity. If each of us participates, we will add our Voice, Value and Vision to our Society. By doing so, I am certain you’ll have a terrific year and become not only a better laboratorian, but also a better person for it!
Mary Lay ASCLS-Idaho President
Page 1
President's Message
Page 2
Spotlight On
Page 3
Government Affairs
Page 5
ASCLS Annual
Page 6
Photos from Chicago
Page 7
More Annual Meeting
Page 8
And Still More..,
Page 9
Lab CE
Future Events
Fall 2009
The ASCLS-Idaho Focus is published quarterly and is made available to all ASCLS - Idaho members in electronic format. Rights to edit for content and length of materials are retained by ASCLS - Idaho. Send all inquiries to the editor at ASCLS-Idaho members are invited to submit articles for publication.