President’s Message :

"The best way to find yourself, is to lose yourself in the service of others."

On any given day we can get "lost" in the stress and pressure of our jobs. Being an effective employee and performing well in the laboratory is very important, we must, after all, pay the bills. The “bottom line” - much of what we do in our work is measured on a simple yardstick…do we consistently produce accurate test results which renders quality patient care?  But as ASCLS-Idaho President, I often ask myself “What about effectively recruiting and growing our membership within ASCLS and retaining the volunteers within our society”?



1.   President's          

      Page 1

Spotlight On
      Page 2

Legislative Affairs
     Page 6

Looking Ahead
     Page 9
The ASCLS-Idaho Focus is published quarterly and is made available to all ASCLS - Idaho members in electronic format.  Rights to edit for content and length of materials are retained by ASCLS - Idaho.  Send all inquiries to the editor at ASCLS-Idaho members are invited to submit articles for publication.
Spring 2010