Winter 2010
Page 1:
President's Message
Page 2
What Am I Now?
Page 3:
Spotlight On
Page 5:
BOC/Title Charts
Page 6:
In Memory
Page 7:
Upcoming Events
The ASCLS-Idaho Focus is published quarterly and is made available to all ASCLS - Idaho members in electronic format. Rights to edit for content and length of materials are retained by ASCLS - Idaho. Send all inquiries to the editor at ASCLS-Idaho members are invited to submit articles for publication.
President’s Message
I experienced an “Ah Ha Moment” several years ago. It occurred after an ASCLS-Idaho spring convention at which I had served as Programs Chair. The planning committee members were toasting a successful convention and as I looked around, I saw an amazing group of capable, dedicated, and dynamic Medical Laboratory Scientists. We shared not only a membership in ASCLS, but more importantly, a common goal to support our profession and strengthen our society. I saw active members valuing ASCLS enough to invest a significant amount of time.
“Ah Ha Moments” can potentially be life changing and this one certainly was for me. I began to view ASCLS in the full spectrum of what our society has to offer its members. Our organization is a powerful forum which promotes our profession, provides professional continuing education and uses innovative means to develop public speaking skills and leadership opportunities. It is also a wonderful venue for personal growth and relationship building.
Now in my “Post Ah Ha Period” I find myself looking forward to our regular Board Meetings and eager to volunteer for ASCLS projects. My schedule includes many ASCLS activities. I find professional fulfillment in the challenges of leadership, and I value the relationships I have been fortunate enough to make.
Here we are in a New Year and a New Decade! I encourage all of our members to reach out and get involved. Say yes to the smallest job. Check out our website at
and look for information, events, and numerous ways to volunteer.
Let 2010 be the year you have your “ASCLS Ah Ha Moment”!
Mary H. Lay, ASCLS-Idaho President